Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dean Ra'ed Qaqish and new camels

Saturday, March 15, 2014 From Tom: (Cami asked for this)

Who is Ra'ed? He is who I work for and the reason we are here, (well, one of the reasons). He is Dean of Art and Design. He is a native Jordanian who has a degree in Architecture from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (an Arabic cheese-head) and also got degrees and taught at the Glasgow School of Art, the Design Council in London and worked at the House of Commons. He is an architect, interior designer, graphic artist, TV and Radio station owner and broadcaster, former member of the Jordanian Parliament and an activist for human causes. He is Orthodox Christian and a prominent member of the Jordanian society. You can google him and see the full bio.
Dean Ra'ed Qaquish

But he needs me. This is because he is so energetic with so many ideas that he has a hard time actually getting to them. He also is pretty tough on those he disagrees with or who are not performing. He wants  me to run interference and be the diplomat. We have gotten along famously. He says I'm his Deputy Dean.

We just got approved for a foreign study program after two months of arguing, manipulating, head-bashing and reanalyzing. I was asked to put the program together to get our Graphic Design students on a study and internship program in New Hampshire. We thought we had it approved in January but it got sabotaged by some jealous deans and non-visionary Vice Presidents. So I was drawn into a series of arguments with the Vice-Presidents and the President to make the numbers work. It was very intense. I've learned that the culture here seems to enjoy a bloody argument and then they laugh, kiss and have tea. But I think I've earned a bit of respect from them all.

So Ra'ed has used me for 'cannon-fodder'; to run interference and handle the issues. Plus he now has me teaching four classes, Theory, Psychology, Concept Development and Design Principles. It's getting busy but it's actually a lot of fun.

His style of meeting management is pretty dysfunctional, but it's typical. If I'm meeting with him, and someone walks in, he focuses on the new person. If another one or two walk in, the attention goes to them. So there often are 5-6 people standing in the room, 2-3 at seats and someone on the phone. That has happened at the doctor, bank, and at the university. They don't want to be inhospitable to the new visitor but then they become disrespectful of the existing visitors. I've told him to shut the door and deal with one thing at a time. It's like trying to ride 3 camels at once.

Speaking of Camels:
Allison got some new siblings.
More new baby camels

Let's kiss and make up!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT posting Tom! haha I very much enjoyed reading about Ra'ed. What a character, yet an educated, experienced one! I had no idea he had been educated in Milwaukee! Well, of course he was! It was Karma that you two got together! He is never going to let you go. He has a gold mine in you. You are absolutely perfect for being his assistant. I am happy that you have shared information about him. I could tell be miscellaneous comments that he was a great fellow with a lot going for him, and what you have shared confirms that! You are really having the rough edges rounded off with all your meetings with these top level Jordanians! Man! Certainly sounds challenging to me. Giving you lots of patience, eh?! They are lucky to have you there. Sounds like your class load is finally up your alley. My hat is off to you! Love ya, Cami
