Saturday, October 19, 2013

Catching Up!

Oct 19, 2013 From Tom:
A few things have happened since we wrote last that we need to explain.

First, our computer system failed. We could get email at Tom's ( archnexus account) but not on gmail. Nor could we blog or look things up or get into our bank account. It was driving me crazy. Was it the computer, the operating system, the router/modem, the network coming to the house? I asked a good number of very smart people and got nowhere. I was starting to panic because we needed to be doing work for the university and our most basic tool didn't work. Also, I couldn't pay bills at home ( on-line banking ) I was ready to pack up and go home. Really.

Also, I had gotten sick ( sinus infection ) but that would lead to a sore throat and eventually pneumonia if I didn't catch it. A good doctor  here helped but part of the cure was to go on Prednisone. The Prednisone made me anxious so I had trouble sleeping, thus I needed Ambien or some sleep meds. I only had 6 days remaining of medications we brought from home and the local doctor couldn't/wouldn't get me anything. Either it was not available or he didn't want me to "get addicted".

So I was in a jam. Without the sleep meds, I would get sick again and couldn't function. The meds are either not available or would take too long. Again, I was ready to pack it up, since I couldn't function here.

We had previously solved the problem of the dogs, gypsies, water, toilets, driving, language, curricula, finding our way, etc. But I couldn't figure this out. That's when a little prayer comes in handy. Yes!

This was Wednesday night after a long and difficult day driving through the mountains of Syria.
(Just kidding, we were in the mountains near Syria, maybe 25 miles away.) Thursday I felt impressed to go test the computer at Brent's home in Amman. Bingo, it worked. Then when I returned a prompt came on the screen about an OSX reset. I didn't know what that was, but I did it, and the computer worked again. Then, I was able to obtain the sleep meds needed to get through until we got a package sent through courier from home. So life is back to manageable again.

Also, I got called to teach the Gospel Doctrine class in the little branch here. It will be an uplifting experience. Ronna is too buried with classes so I'm doing it alone.
We are adapting to a new lifestyle. Tom's on the left, in case you were wondering. 


  1. I love this picture!!! Now we need one of mom covered in scarfs/shawls whatever the women wear. I'm glad you figured out the computer, I can't imagine having no communication with you.

  2. Wow. Scary when you don't have the meds you need. So glad you found a source. I agree with Cori. We need a scarf shot of Ronna. Maybe one of Dr. Tom and Ronna together with a camel. You haven't mentioned any camels yet.

  3. I can't tell which on is Tom! He is blending in rather well!
