Sunday, December 29, 2013

Site of Jesus' Baptism and Elijah's Ascension to Heaven

Jordan River--close to where Jesus was baptized

Dec. 29--From Tom:

After Christmas we decided on a getaway to see some special sites and "warm up" our chilled bones. On Saturday we drove from Madaba down Mt. Nebo to the site of Jesus' baptism in the River Jordan, about 45 minutes away. We were pleasantly surprised, having expected it to be far more commercial. Because the Jordan River is the military boundary between Israel and Jordan there is high security and armed guards on both sides of the river. But there is good access for visitors both from the Israel/West Bank side and the Jordan side.

Because this is a major visitor attraction there are good roads, parking, and shuttle buses to the site. The shuttles are required because of the military checkpoint. Our guide was a Jordanian Christian and spoke with reverence and respect. There are a number of faiths that have built churches or shrines nearby but they don't detract from the setting.

We were able to walk through willows next to the Jordan River to get a sense for what it may have looked like at the time of Christ. The Jordan is about the size of the Logan River but slower and deeper. It also is greenish, brown and polluted from the agriculture industries above. Apparently it was much larger at the time of Christ but Israel, Syria and Jordan have diverted so much water from its tributaries that it is a fraction of what it once was. In fact the Dead Sea is drying up as a result, dropping about 3 ft per year.

Archaeological studies have given a good indication as to where the probable baptism site was and four stone pillars were excavated that were built by early Christians to mark the spot. Because of the low water level, this specific site only fills with water in the early spring. But I had a special feeling as we stood there contemplating.

At the river there are steps leading down to the water from both Jordan and Israel. If someone wants to be baptized in the Jordan River, they must go to the Catholic church on the Israel side and they give a white robe and the person can go down into the river. We saw several people that went into the water and immersed themselves with no ceremony. I'm sure that there could be a baptism service but there would be no privacy. Yet people are respectful, including the armed guards. It's interesting that at this most sacred site there are people only 20 ft apart but not able to connect.

I also reflected that 2000 years ago Jesus quietly walked alone the many miles through this desolate wilderness to what is called Bethany beyond the Jordan to have the simple ordinance of baptism performed by John. He was the Son of God, the Creator, the Savior and yet he submitted to be baptized in this humble place and simple manner.

These stone piers mark the place where it is believed Jesus was baptized. The river has moved. 
Looking across the Jordan River to the Israel/Palestinian West Bank side. Armed guards at top of walls. Baptisms to the left
Nearby is also the site of Elijah, the ancient prophet's, ascension into heaven although there is no marking of the site or memorial to indicate a location. It's also where Joshua crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. Jericho is only a few miles to the west but the walls came tumbling down a long time ago. :)

1 comment:

  1. you guys are filling up on Biblical history over there. I hope you are taking lots of pictures for us to see later. I couldn't really see anybody being baptized/in the water or in white. You guys are one adventurous couple!!! Love ya
